Case Study: Automotive Automation transforms lead nurturing and conversion at Dick Lovett

Jonathan Robbins, CRM Manager at Dick Lovett, shares his experiences of working with AI Assistant to introduce RPA and AI Assistants into the business.

Among the many benefits of integrating AI and RPA into Dick Lovett’s administration, the system has helped the dealer group to achieve:

  • An increase of MINI MOT take-up from 35 to 45%
  • A 25% conversion rate following an automated overdue follow-up campaign
  • An increased uptake from sales campaigns from 5% to 33%

Jonathan also shares how his team has taken to working with their AI counterparts and how the system has significantly improved relationships with customers across all areas of the business.

For more information about how we can help you embrace automotive automation, email or call us on +44 (0) 1488 757447.

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